Monday, 22 October 2012

Will I 'over' share?

Well a few times I have asked myself that question, and in all honesty, the answer is probably YES! I will tweet and Facebook and over share about my dinner, the kids, MrH funnies, music, what I've watched on TV, blah blah blah, the list is pretty much endless.

But in terms of 'my' own experiene of Alzheimers, the answer is a big fat definite NO! 

"That's odd Claire" I can hear you internet people saying, "part of your goal was to raise money and awareness about Alzheimers and surely over sharing would give people an insight into what you experienced". Now here is the key part of that sentence... YOU. It would all be about MY experience.  

Out of respect and love to friends and family who are currently living with loved ones with Alzhiemers or another dementia, I feel it would be disingenuous and uncompassionate of me to share my own personal experience of the disease when each case can vary so much. When you are living with it each day, too much information and other peoples stories could just be too much to handle and deal with. And indeed, each case and situation is individual and unique to their own set of circumstances. 

And to be fair, I think we have all experienced that moment when you share some news with someone and they immediately want to "CAP" it with their story, why do people do that? When in reality all we want is to be listened to, offered friendship, love and support.

And on that note, thank you to all our lovely family and friends who have been there for me and Jon. Without YOUR help, support, donations and encouragement, I dare say we wouldn't have got as far as we have. I've been nervous about the race all weekend but a lot of kind words and support have kept me focussed.

Thank you. Big internet hugs.

Claire xx


 Me and Grandad

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