Sorry to our UK readers who are under water but it was sunny and about 20 degrees - a lovely spring day for a run. The course was an 8km lap, of which Claire did 2 laps and I did 4. Claire clocked up a great time and I think she definitely feels like the half marathon is very achievable now. She has already been running the odd 16km distance as part of her training but for me, 32kms was the furthest I have ever run. Being on the go for not quite 3 hours is a mental and physical challenge to say the least. For some reason the first 8km lap felt like I was towing a caravan behind me and I was thinking "how on earth am I going to get round another 3 times?" Then a quick squirt of an energy gel and a swig of powerade and it all changed. Laps 2 and 3 were almost enjoyable. Bantering with others as I passed them or they passed me and getting spurred on by the marshals, who to their infinite credit stand there for hours in the sun and still throw out a few encouraging words when you pass by. It reminded me that the joy of running in a distance event with thousands of others is not just the achievement but also the camaraderie and support given and received; and also the good folks of Auckland who come out to line the streets with their foldaway chairs and a flask to applaud complete strangers along the way at 7am on a Sunday. That's worth a few kms alone - at least I hope it is.
Much stretching, an ice bath, three games of Croquet with Liam (I needed that!!), a steak pie, steak fajitas, several beers, some red wine, half a tube of Rolo's and an early night later and I am sore. Off to find a massage!
Until next time, Mr H
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